From the president | George S Arundale | y1939 | - | i3 | June | p2 |
Theosophy as interior experience | Geoffrey Hodson | y1939 | - | i3 | June | p3 |
Theosophy, the science of compassion | Clare Tracey | y1939 | - | i3 | June | p7 |
Convention Report | - | y1939 | - | i3 | June | p8 |
Convention - Youth Session | - | y1939 | - | i3 | June | p12 |
Music and Evolution (2GB) | CB Hankin | y1939 | - | i3 | June | p15 |
Reincarnation and genius (2GB) Interview Grisha Goluboff (famous boy violinist) with Geoffrey Hodson | G Goluboff & G Hodson | y1939 | - | i3 | June | p19 |
An appeal - Adyar News | Clare Tracey | y1939 | - | i4 | August | p2 |
A vanishing civilization (3) A waning Christendom | LW Burt | y1939 | - | i4 | August | p3 |
Christianity Evolves | Raymond Blanche | y1939 | - | i4 | August | p7 |
Beneath a Jacaranda Tree (vf) | Elwin Hughes | y1939 | - | i4 | August | p7 |
The Secret of Sin And Suffering | Clara M Codd | y1939 | - | i4 | August | p9 |
Mrs Besant's tribute to Mrs WG John | Annie Besant | y1939 | - | i4 | August | p10e+ |
Isabelle Bean - Warrior and pioneer a tribute by J Bean | J Bean | y1939 | - | i4 | August | p10a+ |
obituary - Passed to the Peace - Isabelle Bean and James Brown Patterson | - | y1939 | - | i4 | August | p11 |
Theosophy As Interior Experience (2) | Geoffrey Hodson | y1939 | - | i4 | August | p12 |
Where Theosophy and science meet | LW Burt | y1939 | - | i4 | August | p15 |
Section executive committee, minute excerpts | General Secretary | y1939 | - | i4 | August | p16 |
Miss VK Maddox | LW Burt | y1939 | - | i5 | October | p2 |
The light within (vf) | Robert Browning | y1939 | - | i5 | October | p3 |
Meditation for the comradeship of peoples - from the president | George S Arundale | y1939 | - | i5 | October | p3 |
Avatars of Evil - the World Situation | Edgar Pritchard | y1939 | - | i5 | October | p4 |
Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide ... (vf) | Lowell | y1939 | - | i5 | October | p7 |
War Frightfulness | LW Burt | y1939 | - | i5 | October | p7 |
Theosophy As Interior Experience (Concluded) the ego as alchemist | Geoffrey Hodson | y1939 | - | i5 | October | p8 |
Section Executive Committee - minute excerpts | ER Derrington | y1939 | - | i5 | October | p11 |
True Democracy as the Ideal Government | Raymond Blanche | y1939 | - | i5 | October | p12 |
Youth In the Spirit of Theosophy | FC Bannister | y1939 | - | i5 | October | p15 |
Theosophy for children | Editor | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p2 |
Australian women to the people of India - Sympathy | JG Clarke | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p2 |
A Happy Christmas - With calm and serenity for all in the new year | LW Burt | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p3 |
Youth in the spirit of Theosophy | Doris Clarke | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p4 |
Christmas Preparation | JB McConkey | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p5 |
The Christmas Life (vf) | Charles Kingsley | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p6 |
Mr C Jinarajadasa | - | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p7 |
Christmas Thought (vf) | Helen Palmer Owen | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p7 |
Is Death the End | LW Burt | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p8 |
Book Reviews | - | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p12 |
Christmas Message | Edgar W Pritchard | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p13 |
Section Executive Committee | L Furze-Morrish | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p14 |
Stars of War Or Peace? | L Furze-Morrish | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p15 |
Towards the light (vf) | KT | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p17 |
Three Stages of Evolution | Morley Steynor | y1939 | - | i6 | December | p18 |
A letter from Adyar | JL Davidge | y1940 | - | i1 | February | p2 |
Presidents Address 64th International Convention of the TS - Adyar 1939 | GS Arundale | y1940 | - | i1 | February | p3 |
The golden chain (vf) | - | y1940 | - | i1 | February | p8 |
Art In Theosophical Life | JH Cousins | y1940 | - | i1 | February | p9 |
Life is A Great Adventure (vf) | King George VI | y1940 | - | i1 | February | p12 |
A Kurukshetra Convention | JL Davidge | y1940 | - | i1 | February | p13 |
As the Germans View Australia (letter) | Hans Schwarz | y1940 | - | i1 | February | p16 |