review: 'The Hidden Face of Music' by Herber Whone | Stuart Scott | y1975 | v16 | i3 | May-Jun | p35 |
A Flower, A Meditation | Ianthe H Hoskins | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p1 |
The Future of the Society | IHH | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p2 |
Centenary Celebrations - New York and Adyar | anon | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p4 |
Towards the Study of Comparative Religion | IHH | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p6 |
Letter: Dhyan Chohan | John K Robertson | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p7 |
Letter | Terry Hart | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p7 |
Letter (1926) | Annie Besant | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p8 |
Letter | B Phyllis Morton (nee Armitage) | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p8 |
T'ai-chi Ch'uan | Beverley Milne | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p9 |
News from Folkestone | IHH, Nellie M Etheridge, B Phyllis Morton | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p10 |
Evolution of Identity | Paul Harris | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p10 |
obituary: Walter Jewell died 13 April 1975 | Nellie Etheridge | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p11 |
obituary: Florence Leech died 28 March 1975 | Joyce Frew | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p11 |
obituary: Eveline M Bond | Helen M Gething | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p11 |
obituary: Robert S Flower | Helen M Gething | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p11 |
obituary: Andree Lefevre died in April 1975 | Barbara RitzGerald | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p11 |
obituary: CF Pyke | TE Stevens | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p11 |
obituary: Bertram Gill | Alfred Hoy | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p11 |
From the Federations: Eastern | Donald Gaze | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p16 |
From Other Sections: Wales | Charles James | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p16 |
TOS: various | Greta Eedle | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p16 |
Our International Society | various | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p19 |
review: 'The Essence of Yoga: A Contribution to the Psychohistory of Indian Civilisation' by Georg Feuerstein | Doris M Slater | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p21 |
review: 'Intimacy and Ritual: A Study of Spiritualism, Mediums and Groups' by Vieda Skultans | Arthur J Ellison | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p21 |
review: 'The Secret of Self-Realization' by IK Taimni | V Wallace Slater | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p22 |
review: 'Life and Philosophy of Shree Swaminarayan, 1781-1830' by HT Dave | J Miller | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p22 |
review: 'We Are One Another' by Arthur Guirdham | Olwen Francis | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p22 |
review: The Actual and the Real: A Way of Thinking About Eternity' by Oscar Kollerstrom | Brenda Marshall | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p23 |
review: This Holyest Erthe' by Oliver L Reiser | B Phyllis Morton | y1975 | v16 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p23 |