The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Theosophist

Hi BrassailFH Aldhousey1930v1-Julyp615
Hi Brassail (vf)(FHA)y1930v1-Julyp617
What is Life? (corrected rprnt)ME Pannebaker (H 1930 May)y1930v1-Julyp618
A Prayer (vf)George Sargenty1930v1-Julyp621
As a Man ThinkethPeter Gray Wolfy1930v1-Julyp622
Who Knows (vf)FW Mettlery1930v1-Julyp624
A New Era in EducationWarren Blakelyy1930v1-Julyp629
Jammu & Kashmir Boy Scout Ideals(Fra Albertus)y1930v1-Julyp632
ContemplationH Gaylord Collinsy1930v1-Julyp633
World Peace UnionMargery Beverly Sandersy1930v1-Julyp634
(Activities in United States Schools)Mabel R Millery1930v1-Julyp636
Coleridge on Logic & LearningWeller van Hooky1930v1-Julyp637
An article review of Earth by Frank TownshendMEBy1930v1-Julyp639
(Mental & Psychical Men)anony1930v1-Julyp643
Out of the Everywherevariousy1930v1-Julyp643
(Hindu Women & Reforms)anony1930v1-Julyp643
(National Leadership)anony1930v1-Julyp644
(Family Relations Institute)anony1930v1-Julyp644
(Fruit Diet & Dental Troubles)anony1930v1-Julyp645
(The Kali Yuga)anony1930v1-Julyp645
Current Astrology - CancerH Luella Hukilly1930v1-Julyp646
photo of a sculpture titled KarmaSculptor: Troiano Troianiy1930v1-Augustp648
Lest we Forget - The Law of Karma(HPB & KH quoted)y1930v1-Augustp649
On the Watch-Tower(various)y1930v1-Augustp651
You Create Your Own FutureAnnie Besanty1930v1-Augustp656
Questions & Answers (notes from June 24th)CW Leadbeatery1930v1-Augustp659
My CreedJohn Masefieldy1930v1-Augustp664
The European Congress - A Federation of National Theosophical SocietiesMarie R Hotchenery1930v1-Augustp665
KrishnajiGeorge S Arundaley1930v1-Augustp677
The Heights (vf)Isabel Spelman Devereuxy1930v1-Augustp678
The Ideal Community of Goethe (not a rprnt of Sept 1928)Joh. Luise Guttmanny1930v1-Augustp679
The Call of the FutureGeoffrey Hodsony1930v1-Augustp685
Mortal & Immortal Man (vf)Percy J Channony1930v1-Augustp687
Beauty in Life (rprnt, New India)Shrimati Rukmini Arundaley1930v1-Augustp688
An Important Event at the Geneva CongressAssistant Editor (MRH)y1930v1-Augustp689
A Prayer for AspirantsF Milton Willisy1930v1-Augustp693
The Source (A Parable)Adeltha Petersony1930v1-Augustp694
What is Happening to the TheatreBeatrice Woody1930v1-Augustp695
The Planetary PathsD Jeffrey Williamsy1930v1-Augustp700
Be Kind to Animals (rprnt)Nellie C Williamsy1930v1-Augustp709
India, The Motherland - FestivalsJennie T Douglasy1930v1-Augustp711
The Theosophical Society in IrelandFH Aldhousey1930v1-Augustp714
A Further Note on FechnerDWM Burny1930v1-Augustp716
Civilized Japan (Corporal Punishment)Ella Darlingtony1930v1-Augustp717
The Happy WeaverGeorge Sargenty1930v1-Augustp718
Self-SufficiencyFrederic W Burryy1930v1-Augustp719
Black Magic in Old HawaiiLeo L Partlowy1930v1-Augustp721
Science NotesStanley Rogersy1930v1-Augustp724
Nicholas Roerich (Portrait by Sriatoslav Roerich, Line Drawing by IWW)Iris Weddell Whitey1930v1-Augustp726
Showing 201 to 250 of 464 entries