The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Theosophist

Howrah TS [proceedings of formation; temporary office-bearers chosen]HS Olcotty1883v4-May+p4
Nellore TS [first anniversary celebrations]P Sesha Aiyary1883v4-May+p5
Narrail TS (Narrail, Bengal) [formation; election of officers; approval by Olcott]anony1883v4-May+p5
Jessore TS (Bengal) [formed; office-bearers chosen]Pyari Mohan Guhay1883v4-May+p5
The Caddalore Theosophical Society (Rules & bye-laws)M Natarajiery1883v4-May+p5
Official Notice [Formation of the Dumraon branch of the Theosophical Society; election of officers]HS Olcott & Omrah Aliy1883v4-May+p5
[Personal Item - re Mrs Anandbay Joshi]HPBy1883v4-May+p6
[Anadi Bai Joshi - sailing to New York to study medicine]HP Blavatskyy1883v4-May+p6
[Bishen Lall - had private interview with His Highness the Maharajah]anony1883v4-May+p6
[Darbhagiri Nath, (Babaji) - greatly impressed the Maharaja with his proficiency in occult sciences]anony1883v4-May+p6
[M Singaravelu - nominated a Councillor of the Theosophical Society]anony1883v4-May+p6
[AP Sinnett - the Hong-Kong Daily Press "discloses" that Sinnett was once the editor of the Pioneer]anony1883v4-May+p6
[Acknowledgment of donation by the Maha Raja of Dumraon]Damodar Mavalankary1883v4-May+p6
[Mr Wang-Chin-Foo - a brief account of his life](Ed.)y1883v4-May+p6
[JC Williams - will not be visiting Adyar]anony1883v4-May+p6
[Barada Kanta Majumdar - opened a Theosophical School at Naldanga]anony1883v4-May+p6
Personal Itemsvariousy1883v4-May+p6
Durbhanga TS [formation]anony1883v4-May+p6
[Daji Râjâ Chandra Singhjee - preparing to visit England]anony1883v4-May+p6
Note (to Dominique A. Courmes, Visit to Ceylon)Ed.y1883v4-May+p7
Thoughts on the Metaphysics of Theosophy (selections)S Sundaram Iyery1883v4-May+p7
Special Telegrams: NWP Patriotic Association (rprnt Indian Mirror)anony1883v4-May+p7
The Arya Samaj: Ed. Note [to "Special Telegrams: NWP Patriotic Association"]Ed (HPB)y1883v4-May+p7
Courmes, Dominique A. [Visit to Ceylon] (rprnt Times of Ceylon)anon (Ed.)y1883v4-May+p7
A Strange Word CoinedDr George Wyldy1883v4-May+p7
(note re Mrs Anandbay Joshi)Edy1883v4-May+p7
The Shylocks of Lahoreanon (HPB)y1883v4-May+p9
To Colonel HS Olcott(members of the Behar TS)y1883v4-May+p11
The Lahore Branch & other mattersHS Olcotty1883v4-May+p12
Colonel Olcott upon the late riotsHS Olcotty1883v4-May+p12
The Theosophist, Madras, May, 1883Editory1883v4-Mayp181
The Buddhist Movement in Englandanon (HPB)y1883v4-Mayp181
To the "Dissatisfied" (Policy of the Theosophist)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Mayp181
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1883v4-Mayp182
footnotes to "Medical Magnetism & the Healer Magnetic"(HPB)y1883v4-Mayp182
Medical Magnetism & The Healer Magnetic (1)Seeta Nath Ghosey1883v4-Mayp182
(We acknowledge, with thanks ...) (Buddhism)anony1883v4-Mayp182
The Tree of Meditation (Extract from Yoga Vashishtha)J Lafy1883v4-Mayp185
The Chosen "Vessels of Election" (New Dispensations of Keshub Chander Sen)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Mayp185
Materialism & its Lessons (acc Prof Maudsley's)anony1883v4-Mayp189
Zoroaster & His ReligionPestanji Dorabji Khandalevalay1883v4-Mayp189
footnotes to "Zoroaster & his Religion"(HPB)y1883v4-Mayp189
Another "Fakir's Prophecy"Sukuma Haldary1883v4-Mayp191
"Mrs W—————'s Narrative"anony1883v4-Mayp192
Mystic Lore - Reading a sealed EnvelopeP Sreenavass Rowy1883v4-Mayp192
The Bugbears of (Modern) Science (3) (Yaeger's Neuralanalysis & Homoeopathy)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Mayp193
Fragments of Occult Truth (VIII) The Progress of HumanityA Lay Chelay1883v4-Mayp194
Visishthadwaita Philosophyanon (HPB)y1883v4-Mayp196
Catechism of the Visishthadwaita PhilosophyA. Govinda Charluy1883v4-Mayp196
Theosophy & Religious Riots (in Ceylon, due to Christian Bigotry & Persecution)anon (+ a note by the editor, HPB)y1883v4-Mayp197
Showing 1901 to 1950 of 26591 entries