An approach to pure consciousness | RC Rath | y1984 | v8 | i2 | - | p1 |
On having faith | PK Das | y1984 | v8 | i2 | - | p19 |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1984 | v8 | i2 | - | p23 |
An Analysis of the Principles of the Absolute through Scientific and Spiritual Laws | Paramahamsa Tiwari | y1984 | v8 | i3 | - | p1b+ |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1984 | v8 | i3 | - | p1a+ |
Spiritual Homeostasis | RC Rath | y1984 | v8 | i3 | - | p7 |
The path of Discipline | N Mohapatra | y1984 | v8 | i3 | - | p13 |
Asceticism at Home | Lokanath Mohapatra | y1984 | v8 | i3 | - | p17 |
Science Forum (rprnt - 'Science To-day') | anon | y1984 | v8 | i3 | - | p22 |
Age of the Earth | B Kumar | y1985 | v9 | i1 | - | p1a+ |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1985 | v9 | i1 | - | p1b+ |
Astrology vs Fatalism | DP Das | y1985 | v9 | i1 | - | p9 |
Challenges of life | N Mohapatra | y1985 | v9 | i1 | - | p14 |
Theosophy - Living Wisdom | RC Rath | y1985 | v9 | i1 | - | p17 |
The Law of Karma and the Divine Grace | RC Rath | y1985 | v9 | i2 | - | p1 |
Personal God | N Mohapatra | y1985 | v9 | i2 | - | p6 |
Chemical and Biochemical Basis of Life | Ashoke Prasad Bose | y1985 | v9 | i2 | - | p11 |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1985 | v9 | i2 | - | p17 |
Prigogine's Science of Becoming (rprnt - 'Theosophical Research Journal') | anon | y1985 | v9 | i3 | - | p1b+ |
Limitless Love | Brother James | y1985 | v9 | i3 | - | p1a+ |
Equality of Human beings | Ramesh Misra | y1985 | v9 | i3 | - | p4 |
Spiritual Career | N Mohapatra | y1985 | v9 | i3 | - | p7 |
The Psychology of Meditation | RC Rath | y1985 | v9 | i3 | - | p12 |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1985 | v9 | i3 | - | p15 |
Scientific approach to the Theosophical Culture | RC Rath | y1985 | v9 | i4 | - | p2 |
Nature of Matter | DN Rath | y1985 | v9 | i4 | - | p13 |
Where They Meet & Where Science Errs | RC Rath (compiler) | y1985 | v9 | i4 | - | p17 |
Relativity - Total and Partial (rprnt - 'Science and Occultism') | IK Taimni | y1986 | v10 | i1 | - | p1 |
The Group Soul and the morphogenetic Fields | RC Rath | y1986 | v10 | i1 | - | p7 |
Zen Buddhism in the light of Western Philosophy | Hubert Benoit | y1986 | v10 | i1 | - | p11 |
Await me, O friend (vf) | J Krishnamurti | y1986 | v10 | i1 | - | p17 |
In the quest of reality (1) | SC Mishra | y1986 | v10 | i1 | - | p18 |
Editorial: The Looking Glass Universe | ed | y1986 | v10 | i2 | - | p1a+ |
Potentiality and the Human-Divine Relation (rprnt - 'Science, Animals, Evolution') | Catherine Roberts | y1986 | v10 | i2 | - | p1c+ |
Thousand eyes with thousand views (vf)(rprnt - 'Star Bulletin' 1931) | Krishnamurti | y1986 | v10 | i2 | - | p1b+ |
Mechanism of Manifestation (rprnt - 'Science and Occultism') | IK Taimni | y1986 | v10 | i2 | - | p10 |
In the quest of reality (2) | SC Mishra | y1986 | v10 | i2 | - | p15 |
Nirvana (rprnt - 'Esoteric Buddhism') | AP Sinnett | y1986 | v10 | i2 | - | p18 |
Role of Chitta in the Eastern Psychology | RC Rath | y1986 | v10 | i3 | - | p1 |
Marxism and Theosophy | B Kumar | y1986 | v10 | i3 | - | p6 |
Awareness without attention in the science of Meditation | Rohit Mehta | y1986 | v10 | i4 | - | p1b+ |
Editorial: the Need of Intellectual Knowledge for Spiritual Progress | ed | y1986 | v10 | i4 | - | p1a+ |
Fundamental Principles of Meditation | Lama Angarika Govinda | y1986 | v10 | i4 | - | p8 |
Philosophy of Dynamic Silence | RC Rath | y1986 | v10 | i4 | - | p13 |
Science Forum: The systems View of Life (rprnt - 'Tao of Physics') | Fritjof Capra | y1986 | v10 | i4 | - | p16 |
Why a path of Spiritual quest | Ramesh Misra | y1987 | v11 | i1 | - | p1 |
Who are the pitris | Chintamani Mohapatra | y1987 | v11 | i1 | - | p5 |
Science of Maya | RC Rath | y1987 | v11 | i1 | - | p11 |
Science Forum: The Principles of Uncertainty and the Divine will (rprnt - 'Science and Occultism') | IK Taimni | y1987 | v11 | i1 | - | p16 |
Suffering is the basis of Spirituality | Ramesh Misra | y1987 | v11 | i2 | - | p5 |