The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.


The Emperor Julian and Neo-Platonism (2)Madeline Clark (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp365
filler - "I sing to the last equalities modern or old"Walt Whitman (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp371
What Really CountsSydney J Harris (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp372
The House I Live InCharles J Ryan (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp373
How Shall Truth Be Found?Alice Mason (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp378
filler - "If history teach any lesson"CCJ Bunsen (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp381
Tracks of the EternalJohn Burroughs (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp382
filler - "most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. The"Albert Einstein (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp384
filler - I recognize the distinction of the outer and inner selfRalph Waldo Emerson (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp384z+
Patterns of ChangeEnid Brandon (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp1
filler - "Society suffers from a profound feeling of unhappiness"Rabindranath Tagore (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp5
Why Do You Believe?Peter H Samsom (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp6
filler - "A single conversation with a wise man"Confucius (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp11
Unforgettable MemoryRutger Bergstrom (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp12
Evolution Before Darwin and AfterJohn P Van Mater (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp14
First Fruits of OutreachRobert C Harder (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp22
filler - "Though we are enclosed within the limits"DA Berthelot (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp24
Ltte - "Faces all around me. ... individuals"Lo Guest (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp25
Ltte - "As you know, Billy Graham"EA Holmes (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp25
Ltte - "editorial in the July Sunrise."Truus Holt-Stoutjesdijk (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp26
Ltte - "This is the 'missing link' in the reincarnation theory."George E Davis (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp27
"The jewel is in the mud" (vf)Kabir (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp28
The Magic Spell of the Lascaux CaveEloise Hart (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp29
filler - "What is a man in the infinite?"Blaise Pascal (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp32
filler - Thyself and thy belongingsWilliam Shakespeare (L)y1966v16i1Octoberp32z+
The Quest for PerspectiveAlan Lake Chidsey (L)y1966v16i2Novemberp33
Snowflakes, Pomegranates and BeesI Manuel Oderberg (L)y1966v16i2Novemberp39
filler - "standard of our moral purpose."Epictetus (L)y1966v16i2Novemberp43
Rock of AgesElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1966v16i2Novemberp44
For the Good of AllNellie M Davis (L)y1966v16i2Novemberp49
Evolution Before Darwin and AfterJohn P Van Mater (L)y1966v16i2Novemberp51
filler - "nothing of higher value than truth itself"Al-Kindi (L)y1966v16i2Novemberp60
The Camphor TreeMadeline Clark (L)y1966v16i2Novemberp61
Let Not Your Heart Be TroubledElizabeth M Duffie (L)y1966v16i2Novemberp62
filler - Through the millennia the world's spiritual illsAnonymous (L)y1966v16i2Novemberp64z+
Christmas ... On The MountainVirginia Page (L)y1966v16i3Decemberp65
Thoughts From the WorkshopJohn Burton (L)y1966v16i3Decemberp70
filler - "detect and watch that gleam of light"Ralph Waldo Emerson (L)y1966v16i3Decemberp78
The Battle of the ScrollsClifton Meek (L)y1966v16i3Decemberp79
Ltte - "How could real evolution be better expressed than this?"Rutger Bergstrom (L)y1966v16i3Decemberp85
Ltte - "evolution ... Dr Loren Eiseley ... Strandlooper man"R Murray (L)y1966v16i3Decemberp86
filler - "urge to render service to humanity"Elsa du Toit (L)y1966v16i3Decemberp87
DNA Isn't Everything!I Manuel Oderberg (L)y1966v16i3Decemberp88
Birthday ReflectionsGM Geerlings (L)y1966v16i3Decemberp94
filler - Life is a pure flameSir Thomas Browne (L)y1966v16i3Decemberp96z+
filler - "All religions are but time-related efforts"James A. Long (L)y1966v16i3Decemberp96
This Era's OpportunityJames A. Long (L)y1967v16i4Januaryp97
Shoreless Seas of LifeLeslie T Titchenell (L)y1967v16i4Januaryp100
filler - "'Tis law as steadfast"Aeschylus (L)y1967v16i4Januaryp102
Compatibility of Science and ReligionKeith Berwick (L)y1967v16i4Januaryp103
Showing 2551 to 2600 of 6911 entries