The True ... and the False | Grace F Knoche (L) | y1964 | v13 | i11 | August | p321 |
filler - "Seek this wisdom by doing service" from the Bhagavad Gita | anon (L) | y1964 | v13 | i11 | August | p327 |
Intelligence in Action | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1964 | v13 | i11 | August | p328 |
filler - "We can be unconquered. Avoid the blows [of destiny] we cannot" | Lucius Annaeus Seneca (L) | y1964 | v13 | i11 | August | p332 |
Does Religion Belong in Our Schools? | Peter H Samsom (L) | y1964 | v13 | i11 | August | p333 |
A Quiet Morning | GM Geerlings (L) | y1964 | v13 | i11 | August | p340 |
filler - "Down the ages truth has suffered through fanatic crusaders" | Elizabeth M Duffie (L) | y1964 | v13 | i11 | August | p341 |
Honest Defection | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (L) | y1964 | v13 | i11 | August | p342 |
filler - "integration is no mean task. Awareness of oneself" | E Herman (L) | y1964 | v13 | i11 | August | p347 |
The Search for Continuity in History & Education | John P Van Mater (L) | y1964 | v13 | i11 | August | p348 |
filler - When a world or a system comes to the end of certain great cycles | William Q Judge (L) | y1964 | v13 | i11 | August | p352z+ |
filler - "fault of others is easily perceived" | Buddha (L) | y1964 | v13 | i11 | August | p352y+ |
Fellowship of the Spirit | EA Holmes (L) | y1964 | v13 | i12 | September | p353 |
filler - "Brave worms, and Earth!" | Henry Vaughan (L) | y1964 | v13 | i12 | September | p355 |
filler - "Sometimes one would know a man for years in prison" | Fyodor Dostoevski (L) | y1964 | v13 | i12 | September | p355 |
The Illusion of the Two Cultures (1) | Loren Eiseley (L) | y1964 | v13 | i12 | September | p356 |
Philosophy of the Soul | Herbert Coryn (L) | y1964 | v13 | i12 | September | p363 |
filler - "No man ... can wear one face to himself" | Nathaniel Hawthorne (L) | y1964 | v13 | i12 | September | p364 |
In the Flow of Light | B Hagelin (L) | y1964 | v13 | i12 | September | p365 |
Ring of Return | Madeline Clark (L) | y1964 | v13 | i12 | September | p371 |
Toward a New Science - of Man! | Ernst Krauss (L) | y1964 | v13 | i12 | September | p377 |
filler - there are as many centers as worlds swung by their own weight | Giordano Bruno (L) | y1964 | v13 | i12 | September | p384z+ |
filler - "All men know the existence of beauty." | Tao Teh Ching (L) | y1964 | v13 | i12 | September | p384 |
Our Common Endowment | James A. Long (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p1 |
"If a man could feel ..." (vf) | Elizabeth Barrett Browning (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p3 |
A Fresh Look At Evolution | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p4 |
filler - "each moment ... keeping an endless sacred festival" | Katherine Tingley (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p10 |
To Make All Things New | Jules van Betgen (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p11 |
filler - "Nothing grows in a spot where" | Leonardo Da Vinci (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p13 |
God's Last Laugh | Fletcher B Thompson (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p14 |
filler - "Man's intellectual equivalent may occupy thousands of planets" | Michael Cosser (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p15 |
The Illusion of the Two Cultures (2) | Loren Eiseley (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p16 |
Autumn Rivulets (vf) | Walt Whitman (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p21 |
A Place of One's Own | Elizabeth M Duffie (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p22 |
filler - "This is the spirit of altruism at work." | W Fekken (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p25 |
Ltte - "poverty ... brotherhood ... education ... selfishness" | Joan Brickman (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p26 |
Ltte - "youth ... education ... responsibilities" | Tine Van Der Ven (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p27 |
The Kernel and Its Shell | Sydney James (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p29 |
filler - Time is needed for all growth, and all change | William Q Judge (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p32z+ |
filler - "What makes the times grave is man's ignorance of his true Self" | John Simons (L) | y1964 | v14 | i1 | October | p32 |
The Voice of the Bard | Madeline Clark (L) | y1964 | v14 | i2 | November | p33 |
The Search for Right | Frances Carson (L) | y1964 | v14 | i2 | November | p38 |
For the Lord Thy God | EA Holmes (L) | y1964 | v14 | i2 | November | p43 |
filler - "origin of thought" | Margaret Burmester (L) | y1964 | v14 | i2 | November | p46 |
That Mysterious Essence | George E Davis (L) | y1964 | v14 | i2 | November | p47 |
Buddhism, A Religion In Process of Revolution | Peter H Samsom (L) | y1964 | v14 | i2 | November | p48 |
filler - "Seeds germinate; ... moving aside the surface of the earth" | Charles James (L) | y1964 | v14 | i2 | November | p53 |
Fountain of Equity | T Henry (L) | y1964 | v14 | i2 | November | p54 |
Creative Spark | Michael Cosser (L) | y1964 | v14 | i2 | November | p57 |
filler - "Pestilence once met a caravan upon the desert-way" (an Arabian folktale) | anon (L) | y1964 | v14 | i2 | November | p59 |