The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.


filler - "Universal life is infinite in its manifestation"G de Purucker (L)y1962v11i12Septemberp359
Growth of KnowledgeIsabel B Clemshaw (L)y1962v11i12Septemberp360
Philosopher of the MarketplaceT Henry (L)y1962v11i12Septemberp362
filler - "We must set aside the old idea that the Divine is a punishing"Katherine Tingley (L)y1962v11i12Septemberp367
The Way of the WarriorIda Perrine Ryder (L)y1962v11i12Septemberp368
Confessions of a Non-ConformistClifton Meek (L)y1962v11i12Septemberp373
filler - "Stoic, Christian, and Buddhist saints are ... indistinguishable"William James (L)y1962v11i12Septemberp376
End of the WorldJ Caldwell (L)y1962v11i12Septemberp377
Buried TreasureAlice Mason (L)y1962v11i12Septemberp382
filler - The Situation that has not its Duty, its IdealThomas Carlyle (L)y1962v11i12Septemberp384z+
filler - "The good is one thing" from the Katha-Upanishadanon (L)y1962v11i12Septemberp384
Space: Outer and InnerJames A. Long (L)y1962v12i1Octoberp1
filler - "I feel more and more every day, as my imagination strengthens"John Keats (L)y1962v12i1Octoberp2
Sound Creative MysteryKurt Reineman (L)y1962v12i1Octoberp3
The Fundamentals of Theosophyvarious - round tablesy1962v12i1Octoberp6
filler - "One moment in eternity is of as great consequence as another"Zoroaster (L)y1962v12i1Octoberp17
Amulets and AspirationsElizabeth M Duffie (L)y1962v12i1Octoberp18
Web of DestinyMarjorie Tyberg (L)y1962v12i1Octoberp21
filler - "minor cycles within a larger one"HP Blavatsky (L)y1962v12i1Octoberp25
History and the Whole ManJohn P Van Mater (L)y1962v12i1Octoberp26
Is Man 200,000 Years Old?Walther Matthes (L)y1962v12i1Octoberp32
Thus the Seer, With vision clear, Sees forms appear (vf)Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (L)y1962v12i1Octoberp32z+
The Same Blue SkyMartha Blake (L)y1962v12i2Novemberp33
Tradition of Religious FreedomPeter H Samsom (L)y1962v12i2Novemberp37
Finer Than SilkAlice Mason (L)y1962v12i2Novemberp43
filler - "Nature is economic in her gifts"J Arthur Hadfield (L)y1962v12i2Novemberp44
Boundaries of ScienceI Manuel Oderberg (L)y1962v12i2Novemberp45
Some Thoughts on DeathRM Willoughby (L)y1962v12i2Novemberp50
Fate or Free WillT Henry (L)y1962v12i2Novemberp54
"There are three truths which are absolute" (Idyll of the White Lotus) (vf)MC (L)y1962v12i2Novemberp57
A Page of HistoryIda Perrine Ryder (L)y1962v12i2Novemberp58
filler - Without seeking, truth cannot be known at allJohn Ruskin (L)y1962v12i2Novemberp64z+
filler - "The love of truth is inherently the love of good"HP Blavatsky (L)y1962v12i2Novemberp64y+
Christmas - AD 1962James A. Long (L)y1962v12i3Decemberp65
filler - "Spring has finally arrived here in Australia"Lo Guest (L)y1962v12i3Decemberp67
Archives of the OceansHans W Ahlmann (L)y1962v12i3Decemberp68
On the Nature of Christvarious - round tablesy1962v12i3Decemberp74
filler - "Out of the tough and bitter experiences of life"Peter Flach (L)y1962v12i3Decemberp85
Ltte - "I can never be a true native as my skin is white."Sidney M Finbow (L)y1962v12i3Decemberp86
filler - "The solidarity of humanity ... brotherhood"Charles J Ryan (L)y1962v12i3Decemberp87
Labyrinths of MindJean B Van Mater (L)y1962v12i3Decemberp88
filler - "Every man hath the key to God in himself"Jakob Boehme (L)y1962v12i3Decemberp91
And the Darkness Comprehended It NotWillem Brandt (L)y1962v12i3Decemberp92
filler - Before the being of Heaven and EarthLao-tsu (L)y1962v12i3Decemberp96z+
filler - "There is one eternal Law in nature"HP Blavatsky (L)y1962v12i3Decemberp96y+
"Before beginning, and without an end" (vf)Sir Edwin Arnold (L)y1962v12i3Decemberp96
Guardian of the Open DoorGrace F Knoche (L)y1963v12i4Januaryp97
Life That We Do Not SeeI Manuel Oderberg (L)y1963v12i4Januaryp101
Meister Eckhart, Medieval MysticHS (L)y1963v12i4Januaryp104
Pageant of the SeasonsJohn P Van Mater (L)y1963v12i4Januaryp110
Showing 1901 to 1950 of 6911 entries