The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.


A Visit to the DentistJohn P Van Mater (L)y1959v8i6Marchp170
filler - "I cannot see how one can look at the stars without"Katherine Tingley (L)y1959v8i6Marchp173
Religion and the DramaReginald W Machell (L)y1959v8i6Marchp174
Cosmic EnterpriseGrace F Knoche (L)y1959v8i6Marchp176
The Fullness of The Seeming VoidJohn Simons (L)y1959v8i6Marchp183
Many Rivers to the SeaJean B Van Mater (L)y1959v8i6Marchp184
Psychology of Ancient MythsGeorge J Lindemans (L)y1959v8i6Marchp186
filler - "Those fleeting intuitions, which light up their object"Henri Bergson (L)y1959v8i6Marchp190
Conquest of FearElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1959v8i6Marchp191
filler - "Let it suffice that all make the attempt"Giordano Bruno (L)y1959v8i6Marchp192y+
filler - In the sky innumerable fiery stars exist, of which the sunMarcus Tulluis Cicero (L)y1959v8i6Marchp192z+
Faith for a New BeginningTJ Haarhorf (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp193
filler - "never have I been so sure that there is a divinity"HG Wells (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp196
Spring MagicHazel S Minot (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp197
A New Look From Borrowed TimeRalph Richmone (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp198
Concerning the HumanitiesMadeline Clark (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp200
filler - "true origin of man's activity and creativeness lies"Friederich Froebel (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp203
Bhagavad-Gita - Limitations of Literalismvarious - round tablesy1959v8i7Aprilp204
filler - "As to the Philosophy ... it will again flourish"Thomas Taylor (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp213
Odyssey of the SoulLeslie T Titchenell (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp214
filler - "artist is aware of pain as soon as he is aware of pleasure"HP Blavatsky (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp215
Intelligence plus Free WillClifton Meek (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp216
filler - "The ancient sages scrutinize earth and sea"Philo Judaeus (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp218
Not Quite All About ZenIda Perrine Ryder (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp219
filler - "Man is a certain intellectual idea"Eriugena (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp222
On Being of Good CourageMary W Peyton (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp223
Thought (vf)from the Welsh (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp224z+
filler - "The worth of a State ... is the worth of the individuals"John Stuart Mill (L)y1959v8i7Aprilp224y+
Teaching of ManFrank G Jennings (L)y1959v8i8Mayp225
filler - "Man is his own destiny ... power of thinking moves man on"Hans Geer (L)y1959v8i8Mayp228
Moment of UnderstandingJohn P Van Mater (L)y1959v8i8Mayp229
The Into the SilenceJames Martineau (L)y1959v8i8Mayp233
The Greeks Had An AnswerGilbert Murray (L)y1959v8i8Mayp234
The Universe Expects Everything From ManKenneth Morris (L)y1959v8i8Mayp236
filler - "Those who ask for particularity of advice"William Q Judge (L)y1959v8i8Mayp240
Bhagavad-Gita - Motive for Actionvarious - round tablesy1959v8i8Mayp241
Rays of the SunProf F Max Muller (L)y1959v8i8Mayp250
Illusion or Reality?EA Holmes (L)y1959v8i8Mayp253
filler - "Is there any theory, philosophy, or creed is there any system"Richard Jefferies (L)y1959v8i8Mayp256z+
filler - "Consider your body only not yourself, as mortal"Marcus Tulluis Cicero (L)y1959v8i8Mayp256y+
"To every Form of being is assigned an active Principle" (vf)William Wordsworth (L)y1959v8i8Mayp256
Script of DestinyJames A. Long (L)y1959v8i9Junep257
At the FrontierEdward P Morgan (L)y1959v8i9Junep262
The Quest of SocratesEdward J Urwick (L)y1959v8i9Junep264
We Are Not AloneGrace F Knoche (L)y1959v8i9Junep269
The Excursion (vf)William Wordsworth (L)y1959v8i9Junep276
Fra Paolo Sarpi - Heroic Defender of LibertyCharles J Ryan (L)y1959v8i9Junep277
filler - "Happy is he who has beheld the Mysteries"Pindar (L)y1959v8i9Junep281
The Maze Symbol in Europe and AmericaAllan J Stover (L)y1959v8i9Junep282
filler - "It need not discourage us if we are full of doubts."Helen Keller (L)y1959v8i9Junep285
Showing 1351 to 1400 of 6911 entries