The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

All entries

The TheosophistLetterAnanda Bai Joshiy1883v5-Oct+p12
The TheosophistLife of Giordano Bruno (1548-1600)anony1883v5-Octoberp12
The TheosophistAnother Letter from the Mahratta Lady theosophist now in AmericaEd.y1883v5-Oct+p12
The TheosophistAdwaita & Siddha Tantra - (Mahadeva Sastrial)PT Srinivasaiyary1883v5-Oct+p13
The TheosophistNote of the Translator; Bruno's influence on English contemporary thought (N Trübner)anony1883v5-Octoberp14
The Theosophist[Shyamaji Krishnavarma - appointment by the Secretary of State of India]anony1883v5-Oct+p14
The Theosophist[quote - re a friend's experience with possible Mahatmas]WD Tildeny1883v5-Oct+p14
The Theosophist[Dakshina Mohan Roy - suffered a serious carriage accident on the way to the Headquarters]anony1883v5-Oct+p14
The Theosophist[Sarrah Parker - left Liverpool for India]anony1883v5-Oct+p14
The Theosophist[HS Olcott - managed to obtain a Government Order promising neutrality toward the TS]anony1883v5-Oct+p14
The Theosophist[Syama Charan Mukerjee - visiting various branches on way to TS headquarters]anony1883v5-Oct+p14
The Theosophist[MM Chatterji - expected to visit headquarters October 1883]anony1883v5-Oct+p14
The TheosophistPersonal Itemsvariousy1883v5-Oct+p14
The Theosophistobituary - P Teroomal Rowanony1883v5-Oct+p14
The Theosophist[HP Blavatsky - accompanied Olcott from Ootacamund to Madras]anony1883v5-Oct+p14
The Theosophist[WT Brown - coming to India]anony1883v5-Oct+p14
The TheosophistThe Lamp of LifeEriopolesy1883v5-Octoberp15
The TheosophistThe Adepts in America in 1776an Ex-Asiatic (? William Quan Judge)y1883v5-Octoberp16
The TheosophistA Voice from the Cashmere Valley (rprnt Sattya Prakash)anony1883v5-Octoberp17
The TheosophistOriental MesmerismRamamrit Sagara Baway1883v5-Octoberp17
The TheosophistWas Writing Known Before Panini?a Chelay1883v5-Octoberp18
The TheosophistA Hindu Loyalist of Pondicherry (rprnt Bulletin de la Société Francaise)anon (+ editor's note)y1883v5-Octoberp21
The TheosophistSome Scientific Questions Answeredanony1883v5-Octoberp22
The TheosophistLtte - Can Females become Adepts?Damodar K Mavalankary1883v5-Octoberp23
The TheosophistSome Questions on ArchaeologyPC Mukerjiy1883v5-Octoberp23
The TheosophistPindams at GyaA Hindu (+ editor's note)y1883v5-Octoberp23
The TheosophistThe Efficacy of Funeral CeremoniesT Sathasiva Iyery1883v5-Octoberp24
The TheosophistLtte re funeral ceremoniesSM Chinesingh FTSy1883v5-Octoberp24
The TheosophistAn American Brocken SpectrePT Srinivasiengary1883v5-Octoberp24
The TheosophistThe "Saving of another Hindu Soul"Manilal N Dvivediy1883v5-Octoberp25
The Theosophist(Fossil) Specimens to ExchangeCarl Heinrich Hartmann ( - 1887)y1883v5-Octoberp25
The TheosophistArne SaknussemF de Tengnegell (+ editor's note)y1883v5-Octoberp25
The TheosophistThe Adi Brahma SamajA. Sankariahy1883v5-Octoberp25
The TheosophistA Few Words from a veteran PhilosopherHenry G Atkinsony1883v5-Octoberp25
The TheosophistAn Appeal for the Redemption of the poor PariahsA. Narasimma Iyengary1883v5-Octoberp26
The TheosophistThe Three Aspects of BrahmaKrishnashankar Lal Shankary1883v5-Octoberp27
The TheosophistImpressions from the Infinite - trance-utterances, Epilogue by the translatorMCW Rohnery1883v5-Octoberp27
The TheosophistA Plea for a Personal GodP*** T*** S*** (+ editor's note)y1883v5-Octoberp28
The TheosophistMethod of Transliteration (of Sanskrit)(JN Unwala)y1883v5-Octoberp28
The Theosophistreview - Kavya Dosha Vivechana (by Simeon Benjamin)Damodar K Mavalankary1883v5-Octoberp29
The TheosophistThe Lawn-Tennis School of Criticsanon (HPB)y1883v5-Octoberp30
The TheosophistOoty Chronicle (rprnt Madras Times)anony1883v5-Octoberp31
The TheosophistA Remarkable Discovery (rprnt New Orleans Picayune)anony1883v5-Octoberp31
The TheosophistA Picture in the heart of an Oak (rprnt Scientific American)anony1883v5-Octoberp32
The TheosophistColonel Olcott at Nagarcoil [mesmerised oil dispensed]S Periaswamy Pillayy1883v5-Nov+p15
The TheosophistColonel Olcott's Healing Stopped (Damodar K Mavalankar)anony1883v5-Nov+p15
The TheosophistColonel Olcott at BellaryCS Runganadham Moodry1883v5-Nov+p15
The TheosophistThe President-Founder's CircularDamodar K Mavalankary1883v5-Nov+p15
The TheosophistColonel Olcott at Adoni [cure of a paralytic of many years' standing; gave instructions on Mesmerism]C Munisami Nayuduy1883v5-Nov+p16
The TheosophistColonel Olcott in the Hyderabad State [lectured, demonstrated mesmerism, cured]C Kuppuswami Aiyary1883v5-Nov+p16
Showing 2501 to 2550 of 211352 entries