The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Yoga Philosophy

A good source of reading material for those interested in gaining a better understanding of yoga and its practices.

Searchable Library Catalogue of Theosophical Texts

The following reading list attempts to achieve a balance between the older classical books and modern expositions:

  • Besant, Annie An Introduction to Yoga (TPH 1908/2008)
  • Besant, Annie The Bhagavad Gita (TPH)
  • Feuerstein, George The Essence of Yoga (Rider 1974)
  • Hoskins, Ianthe H. The Flower of Yoga (introductory notes for the study of the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali) (TPH 1994/2000) Available from the Theosophical Society, Sydney
  • Leadbeater, C.W. Invisible Helpers (TPH 1928 revised and enlarged)
  • Ravindra, Ravi The Wisdom of Patañjali’s Yoga Sutras (Morning Light Press 2009)
  • Ravindra, Ravi Yoga and the Teaching of Krishna (TPH 1998)
  • Row, T. Subba Notes On The Bhagavad Gita (TUP 1978)
  • Taimni, I. K. The Science of Yoga (TPH 1961)
  • Taimni, I. K. Glimpses into the Psychology of Yoga (TPH 1973/1987)
  • Wood, Ernest Seven Schools of Yoga (Quest 1973)
  • Worthington, Roger A Student’s Companion to Patañjali (TPH 1987)


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