The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

The Creative Arts

Spirituality in The Arts, Including Dance, Music, Literature, Opera, art, Architecture, and Sculpture

Searchable Library Catalogue of Theosophical Texts

Essays And Writings On The Subject Of Spirituality Expressed Through The Arts, Including Dance, Music, Literature, Opera, Art, Architecture, and Sculpture.

The following reading list attempts to achieve a balance between the older classical books and modern expositions:

  • Bragdon, Claude Fayette The Beautiful Necessity: Seven Essays on Theosophy and Architecture (TPH 1939/1978)
  • Brunton, Paul The Arts in Culture Volume 9 of The Notebooks of Paul Brunton (Larson 1984-1986)
  • Cornell, Judith Drawing the Light from Within: Keys to Awaken Your Creative Power (Prentice Hall 1990)
  • Cornell, Judith Mandalas: Luminous Symbols for Healing (Quest 1994)
  • Decter, Jacqueline Messenger of Beauty: The Life & Visionary Art of Nicholas Roerich (Park Street Press 1997)
  • Godwin, Jocelyn Music and the Occult: French Musical Philosophies 1750-1950 (University of Rochester Press 1995)
  • Jinarajadasa, C. Art as Will and Idea (TPH 1927)
  • Kandinsky, Wassily Concerning the Spiritual in Art (Dover Publications 1977)
  • Regier, Kathleen The Spiritual Image in Modern Art (TPH 1987)
  • Scott, Cyril The Initiate (S. Weiser 1991)
  • Scott, Cyril The Initiate in the New World (2nd in the series) (S. Weiser 1991)
  • Scott, Cyril The Initiate in the Dark Cycle (3rd in the series) (S. Weiser 1991)
  • Scott, Cyril Music, Its Secret Influence Throughout the Ages (S. Weiser 1969)
  • Tame, David Beethoven and the Spiritual Path (TPH 1994)
  • Tuchman, Maurice (Ed.) The Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting 1890-1985 (Abbeville Press 1986)


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