The Theosophical
Society in Australia

With International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India.

Annie Besant in India

Cost: $50.00

Cost to TS Members: $45.00

C. V. Agarwal & Pedro Oliveira

Annie Besant (1847-1933) distinguished herself in England as a fierce social reformer and fighter for social justice. After reviewing H.P. Blavatsky's magnum opus, The Secret Doctrine, she rediscovered Theosophy and joined the Theosophical Society in May 1889.

She first came to India in 1893 and made India her home, traveling the length and breath of the country attracting thousands to her message of Brahmavidya (Divine Wisdom). This book focuses on Annie Besant's work in India and for India. It includes a description of her passage from England to India, her work for Indian education, her accomplishments as President of the Theosophical Society, and her introduction of J. Krishnamurti to the world as the vehicle of a new teaching to humanity. It also presents her inspiring vision for India, and her brave work towards Home Rule for India.

The Sanskrit word vajrasattva, 'diamond soul', was once applied to Annie Besant. She combined in her person dauntless determination with compassion for all those who suffer. She saw India as the spiritual Mother of the world and worked for its spiritual, social and political regeneration throughout her active life.


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